Friday, October 22, 2010

The Power of Transformation

The Apostle Paul, like us, got frustrated with his own thoughts. Winning the war over himself—the war for freedom and joy is what he called a transformation through the “renewing of the mind” (Rom. 12:2; Eph. 4:23).

Scripture clearly presents us as needing to have our hearts replaced and our minds transformed. Our minds and hearts have to be changed in such a way that the old negative values, beliefs + practices of the old mindset—ARE REWIRED. It is a learned behavior. It is a discipline. Any one of us can cultivate it.

Science is now proving what the Bible has said all along. God designed us with the ability to change our own brains. When God says we are to renew our mind, he gives us the ability to do that. We actually can “rewire” our brain which means we can change our thinking.

Think of transformation as a training process—the trainer is the Holy Spirit and the word of God—they work together to change our relationships—behaviors—attitudes—beliefs—our sin. And in the process God gives us grace. Grace is a gift from God—Through the Holy Spirit’s power we are able to do things—things that are the will of God—things we could never do on our own—in our own strength.

Begin to ask God regularly show you what’s behind your thoughts and attitudes
I call this interrogation. Is it rejection? Bitterness? Unforgiveness? Shame? Guilt? Name your bondage. Lord, help me replace these lies with Truth--with your Word.

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