Monday, July 25, 2011

Suffering and Glory

Many Scripture passages in the Bible speak of refining gold into pure gold. It is a beautiful illustration of God’s method for shaping His children. Suffering and glory go together. You can’t have one without the other. It's true! God equates our suffering to the purifying of silver and gold. Neither metal is pure in its natural state. Both are mixed with all sorts of gunk making them impure, just like us. Malachi 3:3 says, “He will sit as a refiner and purifier of silver; he will purify the Levites and refine them like gold and silver.”

We are born with a sinful nature (as a result of the fall) that constantly attracts all sorts of impurities: thoughts, beliefs, destructive actions, and habits. We are influenced by a society permeated with sin. As silver and gold need to be refined before they reveal their beauty, so do we. The process of refining includes the melting down of the metal by fires designed not to destroy the metal, but bring forth its beauty.

The silver is crushed into small pieces and placed into a crucible. The silversmith places the crucible over the fire and then watches carefully as the silver melts. Eventually, impurities rise to the top of the crucible. The silversmith scrapes them off carefully. Then a hotter fire is built. Again, the silver is subjected to more heat. Under intense firing, more and different impurities are released.

The silversmith never leaves the silver unattended in the fire because too much heat may damage the silver. Each time the fire is amplified and impurities removed, the silversmith looks at himself in the melted silver.
At first, his image is dim. However, with each new fire his image becomes clearer. When he visibly sees himself, he knows all the impurities are gone. The refining is complete!

So it is with us. God breaks us and puts us into the crucible of suffering for one purpose—to make us into His image. At first, large chunks of impurities surface, representing “big” sins, like stealing and lying. It’s somewhat easy to skim these off. The process continues, and with each layer of impurities, the chunks get smaller and smaller. It takes longer to skim off the smaller impurities (representing unidentified sin and negative core beliefs) because they are harder to see.

If you are feeling the heat of the fire today, remember that God has His eye on you and will keep watching you until He sees His image in you and every tiny impurity is removed.

[this is an excerpt from I'm Beautiful? Why Can't I See It?]

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