Wednesday, April 3, 2013

I Changed My Mind!

Every week I run into women who ask me why they have to dig up their ugly pasts and memories. They ask if their toxic memories will ever go away.

There’s a good chance you have heard of Dr. Caroline Leaf through her best-seller book “Who Switched Off My Brain?” and Dr. Daniel Amen through either Amen Clinics and/or his bestseller, “Change Your Brain. Change Your Life.” They have researched the human brain extensively and give us great hope that we can alter our emotional and physical health, and destiny. I have gleaned so much from their work and want to share some insights with you.

First, our mind is a battleground. There is ongoing conflict between toxic thoughts and positive, good thoughts. Good thoughts feed our mental and physical health positively, while negative thoughts deplete our bodies and minds of health. Brain cells have memories. Because of this cellular memory and all of the communication between the cells of the body and the brain, our bodies literally affect and reflect our thoughts. Understand that the chemicals that accompany toxic thoughts and memories are coursing through our brains and bodies. They create toxic waste and produce stress responses in the body (yuk!).

Science supports the benefits of fighting the battle. We should consciously and regularly pour in good information into our minds. The apostle Paul says it this way: Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable--if anything is excellent or praiseworthy--think about such things. (Philippians 4:8)

Think about it: If our minds are filled with the Word of God, then it can't be filled with impure thoughts. Following God’s Word eventually leads to righteous living which can literally change and heal our brains. We actually can “rewire” our minds. The brain can remember and learn stuff, so it’s not surprising that it changes with use [called plasticity or neuroplasticity]. It refers to the actual rewiring of the structure of the brain for a new type of use. Brain plasticity has two primary functions: developmental and damage repair. So when God says we are to renew our minds, he gives us the ability, to some extent, to do that.

This is the beginning of changing your thought process and detoxifying your brain. Dr. Leaf stated that our brains may come close to complete destruction under the years of toxic waste, but it can start to recover in as little as 4 days! All we have to do is learn to control and capture our thoughts—renew our minds as the Bible states (Romans 12:2).

Why do I have to dig up my toxic past? Good question. No one wants to replay trauma. Repression or suppression of bad memories is how we temporarily deal with the traumatic emotions. But there is a reason we ask you to: suppressed emotional pain doesn’t just go away with time. It can turn into prolonged physical pain. When we chronically suppress our emotions and memories, we destabilize and disturb the intricate psychosomatic network by interfering with the peptide flow and feedback loops in the brain. If you bury them, they don’t go away. Toxic thoughts and memories undermine our immune system and hamper its ability to do what God created it to do. The sooner we deal with them the better (Dr. Leaf, 40, 70, 78).

God said, “…I have set before you life and death, blessings and curses. Now choose life, so that you and your children may live” (Deuteronomy 30:19). The only way to deal with toxic symptoms that plague our physical bodies and minds is to start dealing with repressed unforgiveness, anger, hate, bitterness, and jealousy…whatever negative emotions are taking over our mind.

Can we build new memories? Yes! It’s been said that the best way to erase bad memories is to build new good ones.

Dr. Leaf said that when we learn to control our thoughts, we create conditions under which brain cells (specifically neuronal, dendrite and glial cells) can do their work in perfect harmony. When these cells can do their jobs well, we can build healthy memories in place of toxic, distorted memories (p. 19).

God designed humans to adapt. Dr. Norman Doidge, in his book The Brain that Changes Itself, said if we learn to refocus, we will not get sucked in by the content of an obsession but can work around it. (p. 173) Already formed habits will resist. The flesh will fight, but will be bridled by the Holy Spirit. The devil will trouble you, but prayer will send him away.

Next week we’ll talk out how to live this out: “Living Out and Radiating Our True Selves.”

You may also be interested in reading my Christ-based book: “Breaking the Cover Girl Mask: Toss Out Toxic Thoughts.”

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