Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Scars and Stories

There is a saying that goes, “Scars are like tattoos—with better stories.” I tell my stories, those stories that produced scars of all lengths and depths, to help others avoid the same dicey and destructive path I traveled. God tells us he will use what was meant for evil for good and he does through our stories—our scars. But as new creations in Christ our stories will change when we change our choices. Here are five ways you can begin to create new stories by facilitating change and growth:

1. Bring God into everything you do. The ongoing presence of God can strengthen and heal as he nurtures your mind, body, spirit, and cleanses your soul. No addiction has a chance of survival. Work on continuously communicating with him until it becomes a regular habit. Set aside a specific time each day to immerse yourself in God’s Word, even if it’s only a couple of verses. He will provide the light so you can understand (see Psalm 119:130).

2. Practice solitude and self-examination. Find a still quiet place where you can meet with God to pray and examine yourself. Ask him to help you answer these questions as you move forward. Take your time and scrutinize your motives.

• What do I think will truly make me happy?
• What or who do I believe fills the hunger of my soul?
• What deep needs am I trying to fill?
• Do I fear God’s plan for my life is not what I really want?

3. List the personal traits you want to change first. Go back to your answers from the “Pre-Study Exercise.” Pray over the areas in your life where you feel enslaved. It helps to focus on changing one area at a time. Ask God to reveal the area he desires to begin working on first.

4. Be patient and give yourself time to heal. God’s timetable will most likely be slower than yours. Depend on God for the power to change, but don’t expect him to miraculously change your personality and behaviors. Changing engrained traits takes time.

5. Keep directing your energies toward growth and healing. Get a routine going, and an adequate amount of rest and sleep. Scripture tells us that rest leads to restoration, “The LORD…makes me lie down in green pastures, he leads me beside quiet waters, he restores my soul” (Psalm 23:1-3).

This is an excerpt from the book "Something Happened On My Way To Hell" by author Kimberly Davidson

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